Tuesday, October 12, 2010


The following is a compilation of vocabulary found during research and analysis for the Uxmal Ruin project (to be expanded as more terms are identified):
  • step pyramid - layers of stone to create pyramids with stair-like edges rather than smooth edges; can have a base of almost any geometric shape
  • stele (plural: stelae) - wooden or stone constructions that are taller than they are wide, carved and ornamented with names of ancestors; found in Nunnery Quadrangle
  • Puuc style - means "hilly country"; architectural style that features elaborately decorated upper level stonework and basic, flat lower portions; stone mosaics and alternating geometric patterns are common
  • corbel arch/corbel vault - construction method used to span a space or void (i.e. entrance); supports a roof's superstructure
  • cenote - underground water reservoir; sometimes called cistern

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