Monday, October 11, 2010

Theory: Geographical Placement

The topic of ancient ruins brings to mind the images of buildings extremely decayed. However, Uxmal still remains greatly intact. This could be due to the location of Uxmal. It is relatively remote and not within close proximity to any water sources. As colonization began after the Spanish empire discovered the New World, colonists would extract stones and rubble from abandoned Mayan sites to build the new towns. Also looters went to raid the ruins for valuable items left behind. Due to Uxmal being off the beaten track may be why evidence of this trespassing is not often seen.

Therefore, Uxmal was chosen by Bender because the ruins are more intact than other due to its remote location, less stones were taken and less looting took place. Uxmal architecture can be more closely examined for its structural and occupational properties since its intergrity is generally maintained.

1 comment:

  1. Weirdly enough, this is a great choice of image for your theory; a touristic postcard map...


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