The Mayans relied heavily on the cosmos and supernatural to inform them of certain aspects of their own civilization. The site of Uxmal is situated within hills and mountainous terrain on the Yucatan Peninsula. Its directionality is informed not only by the terrain that envelops at times the structures within the city, but by the constellations and astrological information the Mayans saw as beneficial for the site.
Uxmal retains a core relationship with its surrounding topography. An axial gesture down the city anchors the entire city and allows for circulation of movement as well as significance. This anchor is organic in nature and holds to the cities angle, which is due north 14 degrees. As a result, what is in registration with the axis is connected through the vast plaza at the south side of Uxmal. The plaza is a counterbalance for the mass that is being enveloped by the topography. It acts as an itinerary.
Similarly, the interior spaces that are created from the axis are directly effected by the topography. In the governors palace, the entrance is in the east side, unlike in the Nunnery, where the entrance is on the south. This signifies that a shift in circulation may have occurred and all the systems working together within Uxmal are beginning to weave and open new thresholds for later development. (i.e. the cemetery group is a continuous expansion since the birth of the city.)
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ReplyDeleteI was trying to understand the site based on just pictures and it was a little confusing. I found this video on youtube and it was super helpful. This lady gives a narrated tour of the areas surrounding the three main complexes.
I also posted this on facebook if your having trouble accessing it.