Monday, October 25, 2010

Imitation of Astrological Perfection

The orientation and location of the buildings is established by orders already found in nature, specifically the firmament. All of the main constructed structures were carefully designed and located where the sun would hit the ground at twenty-eight day intervals, which placed the constructs under an astrological sign. By following the celestial plan, the Maya wished to bring down that perfect order to earth and enjoy the "beneficent influences from the stars."

Hierarchy in scale is established by the contrast of smaller private spaces created inside the constructions and larger exterior spaces enclosed by the edges of the constructed masses. The contrast between the two scales informs the occupant of their function. Smaller spaces invite the occupant into them for a more personal experience, while the open courtyards offer a panoramic view of the entire complex and its orientation, which allow the constructions, and the paths connecting them, to be put into perspective in a human scale.


Hagar, Stansbury. The Zodiacal Temples of Uxmal.

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