Monday, December 13, 2010

Final: Itinerary Through Ceremonial Ritual

Final Presentation Layout

Final: The Process of Designing Harmonious Spaces

Architecture revolves around the topography and the environment of the location where the designs are composed. This design process shows the significance of the location and the site to every archtecture. Vitruvius mentioned in his first book of the ten books on architecture that “they [our ancestors] never began to build defensive works in a place until after they had made the liver sound and firm.” Although this statement was not written for today’s commercial and residential design and construction, the theories behind the processes of locating a healthy site are still being practiced today.

The inspiration for this program revolved from not only Vitruvius' ten book on architecture, but also Plato's treatise. Plato mentioned that "sometime we [inhabitants] blame the noise, the air-conditioning, the fluorescent lights, the crowds, the proportions, the smell—but all of it comes down to architecture, whether the circulation of people, acoustic, out-gassing toxins, colors, spatial aesthetics or construction details.” As such, the design of this intervention considered the significance of these issues, such as the lights, moisture, wind, and even the sounds that could penetrate into the interior of the edifice since each of the element would affect the clients' experiences.

Each of the programs and circulations from the design interacts and responds to the natural elements, and works with one another as one main system, the harmonic system of architecture. The intention of this design is to create a balance of spaces, functional programs and rhythmic circulations that interact and respond to the topography and the climatic conditions of the environment. The final result should deliver a positive result to the clients' body and soul.