Friday, November 19, 2010

Spaces designed for the Mayan Ruler

The scepter of God K'awiil was only to be used by the Mayan ruler. Differing spaces can be associated with the client and the scepter.
A public gathering space is created for ceremonial ritual dances. The ruler would be at the highest point overlooking his community. He conjures gods to join in on the festivities. The group of elites surround the open space closest to the dancers, while the common people crowd around the edges. The space is vast and hierarchy is represented through multiple levels of space.
A group space is assigned to the client and his immediate family. The royal family, the priest, and the best artisans would gather to prepare before the ceremonies commence. They would celebrate by feasting in an open, smaller space suitable for several people.
The individual space is designed specifically for the ruler. It is a room composed of multiple small spaces to allow the ruler to prepare for his duties in the upcoming ceremony and speak with the gods. His wardrobe would be assembled and he would dress in one of the spaces, with the scepter awaiting his power to take hold.

1 comment:

  1. I like this Taylor. It tells a very different story than the last one. Deeper.


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