Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Relationships Between Public, Group, and Solitary Spaces

The location of the public space is focused on the edge where the two main vertical and horizontal spatial grounds intersect. This intersection is located at the southeast corner of the nunnery quadrangle. It is at this corner that the main public gathering space is located. From the public space there is a transition into the smaller group space. Because the location of the group space is in a tomb, I envision that the space would be transitioned by a a set of stairs and a small threshold into a smaller scale enclosed space. The occupants (spiritual and earthly) of the burial tomb are all of different status in society. This would be represented spatially by separating the group space into different layers to represent the hierarchy between the spirits, king, and other occupants. To represent the transition from the burial ceremony to the solitary space signifying the spirit's journey, the path would first travel downward into a small enclosed space. This signifies the tribulations that the spirit must endure to reach the afterlife. The path would then continue upward to represent the end of the journey when the spirit finally reaches the afterlife. Within this small space the occupant would feel enveloped by the space similar to how a mask would envelop the spirit on its journey.

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